
Traditional Qipao Dress Enhance Your Beauty

The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion. The name "cheongsam," meaning simply "long dress," entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province (Cantonese). In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as "qipao", which has a history behind it. Among all the dresses in the world, the qipao would probably win the prize of the classiest, sexiest and most difficult to wear. Wearing a qipao is more than wearing a regular dress. It carries a world of exoticism and history.

Although a Qipao seems very exotic to Western girls, it can in fact be worn at many occasions, and is in Asia! You'll see them worn at weddings, work, parties and every other kind of occasion you can think of if you travel to the Orient. Therefore, by being a little daring and choosing a qipao you can really stand out at your next party, as they are probably the one special occasion dress that most girls won't think to wear in the West.

Nowadays, the qipao is setting free from the traditional flowers, birds and dragons, and we can see more modern styles appearing. Some even feature very psychedelic designs and colors, making it the dress for all occasions! I would recommend that every woman try at least once one of those fantastic dresses. As a China-based friend of mine once said: 'When men see a woman in a qipao, they can't help but stare. It's the only dress that they would like off a woman, but won't dare touch because a woman in a qipao is just beautiful.' Powerful, huh?

Just because a qipao is a more exotic type of occasions dress it doesn't mean that you need to pay the world to get one even if you are far from China! Log on to the internet and do a search for them and you'll be surprised to see that even silk qipaos can be purchased for pretty reasonable prices as long as you are willing to wait for delivery from the East!

Comfortable to wear, the Qipao Dress fits well the female Chinese figure. Its neck is high, collar lady in cheongsamclosed, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full length, depending on season and taste. The dress is buttoned on the right side, with a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides, all of which combine to set off the beauty of the female shape. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that, made of different materials and to varying lengths, they can be worn either on casual or formal occasions. In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance and neatness. No wonder it is so much liked by women not only of China but of foreign countries as well.

